Friday, September 29, 2006


Ash is a UK-based rock group. They got their start doing little punky songs when they were teenagers. Now some 10-years and 4-5 albums later they've solidified into a tight little rock group. They first grabbed my attention with their Free All Angels album, featuring the blistering hits 'Burn Baby Burn', and '13th Floor'. Man those songs rock. They have some nice mellow songs on the album too. I was initially drawn in by the mellow and became converted by the rock.

But their next album, Meltdown (which took at least a year to come out in the USA by the way...I enjoy my UK copy with bonus live tracks), is when they really started cooking. It leads off with the amazing 'Meltdown' and steamrolls its way down to my favorite Ash track 'Clones'. They actually used this song as the theme music to a Star Wars video game.

I love Ash's straight-ahead rock sounds. They love to rock and they're not ashamed. They're a dorky little group, evidenced by some of their early titles ('Girl from Mars', 'Kung Fu', 'Goldfinger') but they've progressed such that I metaphorically circle the date on my calendar when they've got a new album coming out.

I got to see Ash play at a radio station festival last year. They were pretty tight, though I was very surprised that they didn't play 'Clones

Sample of Clones
Sample of Evil Eye
Sample of Burn Baby Burn
Sample of Shining Light

Klobas says Check em out.


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